Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Meet Talon Spivey

Tinker Spivey and her very cuddley and unbelievable pet, Talon.
I bet you think Tinker is giving him daily doses of Creme ala Cat Morsels. I personally watched her give him scant handfuls of diet food in a bowl that is designed to take him a 1/2 hour to eat every tidbit. She has monitored every bite of food he eats for over a year now and he managed to gain another 4 pounds! His sister Moira weighs less than a third of Talon's weight yet she eats twice as much.

So how does he do it? I knew it all the time--diet food is secretly loaded with calories! The more you gain, the more you have to keep buying diet foods. It's a Weight Watchers Conspiracy!

Some days it just isn't worth walking to the food bowl for that diet food. Bring on the Ice Cream!

1 comment:

  1. He is beautiful! Looks like someone must groom him though because I'm sure he can't reach his own butt. What a gorgeous cat!
