Thursday, August 25, 2011

Albuquerque to Texas

HOORAY!!  My Wifi is finally working!!  After hours and hours on the phone with Verizon they finally admitted that my computer was okay, the satellite was okay, the signal was okay and my brain was okay (though they were a little more skeptical about the brain), but their wifi device was not okay. They replaced their little box with the blinking green and purple lights with another box that blinks green and amber. The Internet showed up immediately with the new unit--and so far has failed only once in the last 24 hours.  We shall see.
      I left Santa Fe on the 14th and headed for Albuquerque to wait for my sister, Mary's, arrival.  She would fly in on the 15th to spend a week with me.  As I pulled into the RV park a young gal stepped out of a large motor home parked next to mine.
She came up to my window she asked "Are you traveling alone?"
I said 'yes' and she quickly returned to her motor home and came back with a big fat ear of barbequed corn, wrapped in aluminum foil and dripping with butter and some great spices.
"Have a great trip!" she said, waved and was gone.  Wow!  I think it will be a great trip.
     Early on the morning of the 15th I left for the hotel where Mary and I would stay for the night--I expected her to arrive early in the day and we would have a fun afternoon together.  Nope...the flight was cancelled, then a second flight was cancelled and finally--at 11:45 that night--she arrived at the hotel.  While I waited I spent the day enjoying access to the hotel's wifi for the first time in days.
      Next stop....Texas!

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