Sunday, January 20, 2013

Yuma, Az

I woke up one morning last week to frozen pipes! That has been my single greatest fear--that all my tanks and pipes might freeze and burst--a problem serious enough to postpone my trip for a very long time.

The forecast was grim for the next four days--we would experience a deep freeze.  The cheerful TV weatherman was smiling when he predicted that  we were about to have the coldest period on record for Tucson!

It was time for 'Plan B'.  I instantly went on on-line and looked for the closest town to Tucson that was not forecasting a freeze--Yuma, Az, 250 miles due west. The second step--with Bill and Suzie's great help, was to boil lots of water and pour it into the water tank to try to thaw it out before something broke.  Success!

I was on the road to Yuma in less than an hour.

This lower valley is the very heart of lettuce growing country.....

and lots of old territorial history.  BTW, when did Kress go out of business?

The four days in Yuma were sunny with daytime temperatures in the 60's.  That gave me a chance to get out and walk-- 

and I discovered a wealth of local mural art on the buildings....

I particularly liked Barney's art-deco touch.   For a gas station it was much better than a Red Bull ad.

 But then I began to wonder if street art might go too far. (Does that guy have nose hairs?)

The days may have been warm but the nights were still cold as the thermometer dipped into the 30's.  And then disaster hit again!  My heater stopped working!  Of course, it was the weekend and no mechanics were working--anywhere.  I could see it was going to be several days that Sigh Me and I were going to have to cuddle together under the covers.

(To be continued...)

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