I tend toward frustration when inanimate objects refuse to operate in their instruction-booklet-promised manner. After downloading weeks worth of photos from my new camera into the computer the photos all disappeared! Every last one! There are presently 35,000 photos stashed away in my computer library and I know those new ones have hidden away somewhere in the lot but, try as hard as I might, I can not find them! In addition, everything I have been able to search out looks fuzzy. I have tried over and over to adjust the camera settings, only to make things worse.
Suzanne, my friend and Aunt Louise's caregiver, tries to keep me laughing but I'm getting more testy by the day. We did a lot of sightseeing on back country roads and I took lots of pictures (Clark Gardens, Italian Restaurant, Dog Park, Blah, Blah). Just try to imagine them.
See the ring in the pavement in front of Aunt Louise's chair? It's for tying up one's horse. Try to imagine the rest of the little country town we stopped in for lunch.
Aunt Louise's best friend, Louise Farmer and her daughter, Connie.
Finally! Some pictures appeared under the date 01-01-1980! Were there any photo programs on personal computers in 1980?
Connie and her husband, Scott.
These are two very talented people with many activities going on in their lives all the time. Connie sews, quilts, makes jewelry and writes and publishes romance novels under the name of Constance Anne Scott. (I pout and look for photos.)
Even Daisy is having a pity-party.