Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Some of my Favorite Things....

I recently found a website that is 'Awesome'--
and it inspired me to share a few of my favorite things with you...

Family!  Nephew, Mark, and his wife, Mary, came down from Minnesota to experience a little of Florida's sun and the company of brother, Don and myself.  We did a sightseeing trip in the Villages then another the next day at Don's place.  There is no company better than family.

Oldtimer's being kids! The villages boasts some 60,000 residents and all of them have a golf cart--or two.  Some carts are dressed up like the fancy hot rods these old geezers wanted as teenagers.  And here's a short video that will make you want one too:

Small towns that preserve their great old houses.  This town is Mount Dora where I had 'steak and kidney pie' at the local tearoom.  The waitress informed me that the kidneys in the pie were actually mushrooms because we Americans 'won't eat kidneys.' Yep, kidneys are not one of my favorite things.

Personalized mail boxes.  I think home delivered mail is going to disappear one of these days and these boxes will go too.  I will be sorry to see them go.

Small towns with great views.  This is in the heart of Mt. Dora.  The town sits on the edge of a very picturesque lake.

My little RV.  I can park anywhere, I get great gas mileage and the RV didn't cost more than my house back in Tucson.
Clean bathrooms in RV parks.  Overall the bathrooms and showers have been great.  Sometimes they are unexpected places to meet your neighbors.  I was in the one above one evening when the room filled up with ladies attending the bingo game and pot luck next door in the club house.  I was in my stall and had just stripped down and was preparing to enter the  shower  when some idiot (me) stepped backwards into the curtain and brought the whole rod down.  I found out two of the ladies were from Illinois as they helped me rehang the rod.

Alligators in raincoats!

Quiet little RV parks with good shade...

Lazy streams..
Walking bridges...
And Spanish Moss.

And Sigh Me when she sees a squirrel.

Oh!  Let me at him!

Oh Shucks!  there he goes.


  1. Love this post. Thank mom. Sounds like you are enjoying the new life.

  2. Thanks, Hon...Yes, I am having so much fun I can hardly believe I have been doing this for 7 months already. The time is flying by too fast. MOM

  3. That lazy stream is probably a bayou, at least in Louisiana. I guess we they use that term in Florida, too. Great looking place.

