Friday, October 25, 2013

Robeline Parade

"Do you see the parade yet?"

It was the same weekend a year earlier when I arrived in Robeline on the 'Quest' to find my father's family.

There was a parade that day too--It is the weekend of the Robeline Heritage Celebration.

The entire town and much of the parish (county) turn out for the candy, beads, camaraderie....

and pretty girls.

It was during the parade the year earlier that I encountered the first Lambert cousin and from there I met Dean.

The following day was the Lambert Town Cemetery Family Reunion and Dean and his wife, Amanda, arrived at the cemetery to hand me a packet of information that traced the Lamberts back for generations.

On this weekend I planned another visit to the Lambert Town Cemetery and hoped to meet more cousins...

 Plus I wanted to just enjoy the small town feel of the festivities.

I was looking forward to a community dinner that evening that would be held in one of the local churches.

But the truly big event would come early the next morning when I planned to join the brothers at Dot's house for biscuits & jam.  I still had not met Dot (another 2nd cousin) who hosts this breakfast for her brothers every Sunday morning. 

But I was well aware that this was a 'special invitation' not afforded to everyone, and I truly appreciated the honor of this opportunity.

There was one huge drawback to the day--

The heat and the humidity were unbelievably horrible.

If I ever entertained thoughts of living in Louisiana again those thoughts dissipated with the passing parade.

I accept that there is no ideal climate anywhere in the world, but all the same---air should not be thick as molasses.