Sunday, April 28, 2013

Special people I Love very much.....

Ms Jasmine has the softest voice.  There is not a prickly note in any of her conversations, even as she described to me how she tripped on a rug, broke her leg and is now confined to her bed until it mends.

Her daughter, Irma, (photo below) was caregiver for my mother for a number of years and Ms Jasmine's granddaughter, Joanne, worked in the reservation's department at the hotel for a while.  (It's a small town)

It was always a special occasion when I had a chance to visit Irma and Ms Jasmine.  We would sit for a time working jigsaw puzzles while we discussed our kids, grandkids, my mother and life in general.

Great Grand Kids!

It was wonderful to see them both again and, after an hour of listening to that wonderful voice, I left feeling as relaxed as that cat laying on Ms Jasmine's bed.

Before leaving Monterey, Stacy (on right above), organized a reunion of the reservationists from our department at the Inns of Monterey.

What a wonderful gift of friendship to have them take time from family and busy schedules to spend a Saturday afternoon reminiscing about our good times--and bad.
 Above (left to right);  Marie, Kui, Stacy, Savannah, Mickayla, Jeannette, Lily, Caitlin, Paige, Duane and Fatima (family members in italics)

Shane took a few minutes from his job to run over and say 'hello'. Stacy and Shane were a romance that started in our 'Rez Dept' and Savannah is the result.
(This picture just makes me smile.)

We were sitting on the restaurant patio and the wind was blowing hard so the manager dropped a few screens to keep us from blowing away--that is why all these photos have a strange yellow hue to them.

Fatima, me, and Kui

Missing from these pictures are a couple of others that I hope to see along the way--April and Steve you have been alerted.

And missing forever but surely never forgotten are Nick, David and Warren.

  Warren Jones
(See December 4, 2011 posting in the blog)  


  1. as always, enjoyed the latest tour...


  2. My fat fingers accidentally deleted the following quote from Hattie. i'm so sorry. Especially because what she says is so very true.

    "You are a rich woman! What wonderful people you have in your life! "
    from Hattie
